Wednesday, May 22, 2024




Fall into daylight;

At peace with the night;

Spooky movies such a freight;

But, but, but, we prevail.


Time goes by so fast;

Putting perspective on our past;

In the moment, until the last;

Tick, tick, tick, without fail.


Now as we reflect;

Not to overthink or too closely inspect;

Calmly approach and genuflect;

Click, click, click, with a pint of ale.


Every day is a blessing;

Each hour a treasure of possessing;

Be honest and truthful in confessing;

The best is now if we avail.


Beauty is in the eye of the beholder;

Let’s enjoy it together, shoulder to shoulder;

Life is more precious as we get older;

Ding, ding, ding, value is inherent and not for sale.

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