Sunday, May 3, 2015

Failure Coach - a novel by Wes Morgan

The idea for this book started with a conversation with my brother Greg. We talked about the business of career coaching and wondered how a story that turned business coaching on its head might play out. The result was a series of blogs that became chapters in 2014. I am grateful for Greg Morgan’s encouragement as this book started taking shape. The idea for this book would not have been possible without his sense of humor. In addition to my family and friends, co-workers, clients and others engaged in advertising and marketing communications in a variety of corporate environments to which I have been a part I say thank you. You know who you are and a list here would be hopelessly incomplete at best. I must also recognize David Cox of Sandbox Creative who was among the first to encourage me to write a book. This book is something quite different from the book about careers and marketing communications we first considered but this fictional account is more credible than the truth (since, as we know, the truth is stranger than fiction).

About the book: Alan Edgewater finds himself a best-selling author and motivational speaker. His base of operations in St. Louis, Missouri allows him to stay somewhat grounded but with growing influence and aspirations he becomes something of a local industry. His team of advisers and a hapless mega lottery winner influence his marketing strategies as he builds on his business. At the core of his enterprise is the idea of embracing failure instead of fearing it. Surprising outcomes come as Alan lends his name to an unconditional scholarship program and the scholars provide insight into unfettered life choices. Alan’s journey and that of his close-knit associates create a tapestry of extraordinary events in this thought-provoking novel.

Edgewater is scripted. He has access to a teleprompter but the material is well rehearsed. He moves around freely on the stage with a Lavalier mic securely in place on his un-tucked golf shirt. He pauses for laughs and allows for questions from audience members queued up in the center aisle. “Mr. Edgewater, you call yourself a failure and yet you have a best-selling book, sold out lecture tour, and millions of followers around the world…” begins the next question. Alan smiles and interrupts, “Precisely, my friend, but it is not a drive for success that got me to this point. It is rather the expectation of failure! I am not suggesting for one moment that you should not take risks. Success is not possible without failure. Failure should be celebrated. Allow me to show you some graphics that illustrate my point…”

In addition to Alan Edgewater you’ll meet a cast of characters in Failure Coach who will take you on a journey that will give insight into advertising and promotion of the author/speaker; marketing a non-profit; the world of contemporary art; the inner workings of managing a unconditional scholarship fund and the winners of this unique award.

The book (216 pages) is available in hard cover from  

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