Sunday, February 16, 2025

Holiday Gifts


Well I've enjoyed the holiday season for the art of gift giving. I am one of six siblings and I have two adult kids (The A list). Of course the holiday thoughtfulness grows to include additional relatives, friends and significant others. My strategy, for a long time has been to find a memorable gift that won't break the bank that might bring a smile. I haven't tracked them over time but the following is a list of items that I recall being part of past Holiday A List gifts which I hope brought a smile or two. (The cool thing for me, it that I sometimes spot a past gift on a shelf or small space of honor in homes of those A listers.) I love that. I love you all.   

I don't recall the sequence by years but the following are some of the multiples that had seasonal meaning for me at the time.

  • African Rain stick
  • Magic 8 Ball
  • Russian Nesting Dolls
  • Bluebird of Happiness
  • Polaroid Camera 
  • Revere-ware teapot
  • Tasco-brand Binoculars
  • Kaleidoscope
  • Unique Mosaic Puzzle 
  • Morgan Bath Towels
  • Art Museum Mug (Art Still has Truth Take Refuge There)
  • Inventory Clearance (beats a garage sale)


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