Sunday, February 16, 2025

Holiday Gifts


Well I've enjoyed the holiday season for the art of gift giving. I am one of six siblings and I have two adult kids (The A list). Of course the holiday thoughtfulness grows to include additional relatives, friends and significant others. My strategy, for a long time has been to find a memorable gift that won't break the bank that might bring a smile. I haven't tracked them over time but the following is a list of items that I recall being part of past Holiday A List gifts which I hope brought a smile or two. (The cool thing for me, it that I sometimes spot a past gift on a shelf or small space of honor in homes of those A listers.) I love that. I love you all.   

I don't recall the sequence by years but the following are some of the multiples that had seasonal meaning for me at the time.

  • African Rain stick
  • Magic 8 Ball
  • Russian Nesting Dolls
  • Bluebird of Happiness
  • Polaroid Camera 
  • Revere-ware teapot
  • Tasco-brand Binoculars
  • Kaleidoscope
  • Unique Mosaic Puzzle 
  • Morgan Bath Towels
  • Art Museum Mug (Art Still has Truth Take Refuge There)
  • Inventory Clearance (beats a garage sale)


Tuesday, February 11, 2025

March Ahead 25


March Ahead

Without fear and hopeful as I ride;

Pondering the future, I abide;

By one or by two on the opposite shore will be.

Looking for that light I will surely see;

A kind of focus inside.

I didn't win but it doesn't matter;

I'm older and getting fatter.

No need to compete.

You makes me complete.

What does it matter?

It just doesn't matter.

In the moment.

In the now.

No wonder. 

No fame.

Just Wow!


Friday, February 7, 2025

Opera New Works Collective 2025

Black Coffee

As a recent St. Louis transplant, Makena is struggling to find community. After all, how exactly does one make friends as a grown-up? From googling “how to make friends” to trying a local book club, Makena isn’t ruling anything out. As her dad often reminds her, “Have patience and you’ll land the friends of a lifetime.” Poignant and funny by turns, Makena’s story is immediately relatable to anyone who has ever searched for a village of their own.

Family Style

17-year-old Mia lives with her father, Ping. They’ve scrimped and saved for years so that Ping can open his own Taiwanese restaurant after a lifetime of working as a dishwasher. However, Ping refuses to pursue his dream until Mia graduates and goes to college. Her education must come first. One day, a promisingly large envelope arrives from Mia’s top-choice university…but will her own dream come at too steep a price?


In the ancient African kingdom of Kush, queens were known as the Kandake. Discover the true story of Kandake Amanirenas, the warrior queen who defied the might of the Roman Empire. When Amanirenas learns that a Roman army has captured the Kush city of Philae, she’ll stop at nothing to protect her people’s liberty…including single-handed combat against a deadly centurion. This action-packed opera brings to vivid life one of history’s greatest unknown heroines.

I was so impressed to see the New Works Collective last year, I might have been among the first to buy a ticket to see the Opera New Works Collective 2025. I eagerly anticipated my viewing and attendance on February 7, 2025. 

My Notes:

Black Coffee missed an opportunity to milk the Book Club as "not for me" but it was a sweet story of a girl trying to make a friend as an adult. 

Family Style had its moments as father and daughter connected. Another opportunity to enhance a memorable bit around the father character's love of food preparation as the father character proclaims the "dreams" that included the broccoli dreaming of being a part of a delicious meal. 

Kandake was based on a true story from history and the queen prevails as they defeat the pursuing Romans Army of Augustus Cesar. The king perished too quickly in this action but the celebration of the victory with beautiful costumes and confetti falling from the sky (almost like the Super Bowl) was stunning.

The Librettists and the Music Composters of all three operas were available after the performances to answer questions. If felt to me a bit like a Q&A with advertising agency creative directors and copywriters/account managers.