Saturday, April 1, 2023

Price Check


I’m shopping for one. I am a complete rookie. Grocery stores have always been puzzling to me. I have a history of completely avoiding the experience. At point-of-purchase I am hopelessly indecisive. I always forget to have a shopping list handy. I have no routine. It ain’t getting any easier.

I worked in the advertising business when it was all about distinguishing between brands and cultivating brand preferences.  The Pepsi Generation vs. The real thing Coke. The Cola Wars and the war in the store. It was about breaking out of perceived parity. Generating loyalty of purchase was the name of the game. I recall sitting in meetings and writing creative strategy. The overriding assumption was that people behaved rationally but with a healthy dose of emotion.

PRICE, not Price/value, seems to be the issue today. Just look at this section of shelves in my local grocery store today. My purchase intent is to buy a breakfast cereal. I find myself baffled with the range of choices. I noticed Post Honey Bunches of Oats offerings product mixes with Pecans, Berries, Almonds, Cinnamon and more.

Assuming I could separate and single out a cereal choice the price/volume decision suggests that I should have a spreadsheet in addition to a shopping list. The shelf talkers are there to add more to the equation. Everyday LOW Price. Great Low Prices Everyday. Priced Right. Finally I need to decide between a 12 oz box, a FAMILY size and a GIANT size (all with the benefit of saving by bulking up the pantry).

I don’t know. I went home with a box of Kellogg’s Frosted Flakes (because there Gr-r-reat!).


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