Thursday, August 8, 2013

Fearless Brand Workshop

Bill Ellis didn’t twist my arm to join his workshop at the Missouri Athletic Club West this week. In fact, I was thrilled to be invited, even though I was not completely sure what to expect. Visiting over coffee a few weeks ago, he had described The Fearless Brand Workshop event as something that might help me sort out a few things with my professional life and maybe even offer a few hints for my personal business as well. I am a cynical marketing guy so naturally I am careful to not take such claims too literally.

I first encountered Bill as a presenter at an event organized by Dixie Gillaspie (a.k.a. Ms. Dynamite) in October of 2011. At that event I also met the co-authors of The Go Giver (Bob Berg and John David Mann), The Name Tag Guy (Scott Ginsberg), MarketVolt founder (Tom Ruwich), a Manifestation Maven (Kimberly Schneider), an acrtivist (Dafna Michaelson Jenet), writer (Jeremy Nulik), a photographer (Caren Libby) and some other remarkable people. (All worthy of character sketches and remarks of which space is not allotted here.)  
I have since watched Bill present to large groups of 200 or more and smaller groups under 50 and even more intimate settings with 5 or six people. He is authentic. As a 25 year veteran of Anheuser-Busch he has every right to claim expertise as a brand specialist. But it is what he has done since leaving AB in 10+ years that is an even better measure of his character. It is that decade in which he has earned the right to call himself a coach and mentor. It is a unique combination of experiences and his life journey that makes him more than qualified to help people find their own path to self discovery.

It is apparent that Bill Ellis is hoping for miracles. Like any coach you want the plays to work just as they have been drawn up. Faith alone, unfortunately, is not enough. It takes virtues Hope and Love too. But Bill is bringing it. I am proud to have been in the room to see it. Butcher, Baker, Candle-stick maker, Entrepreneur, Corporate Middle Manager and Me (I’m concealing professions and names to protect the innocent). We were a cross-section of people all looking to Bill and the Fearless Branding process as a map to self discovery. I can only speak for myself. I have a way to go.  I do appreciate, however, Bill framing the challenge in marketing and business terms with periodic insights into his own journey. That reality tends to draw participants out. Bottom line: It ain’t easy. You need help. You aren’t alone. You are unique. You can provide value. Be a fearless brand.

Geaux. Geaux. Geaux.



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