Monday, September 2, 2024



Classroom Management

Recommendations for Old North Academy

Wesley A Morgan (Art Teacher)

This is a response to Assistant Principal, Ms. Todd’s request for input on Classroom Management. I’m encouraged that the administration is asking for input from teachers and staff. The overall atmosphere in the classroom must be a positive one and one that allows our learners to become scholars in earnest. My input is relative to my 10 years as an educator (SPED and Art) and informed by my first year as an Art Teacher at Old North Academy (2023-2024).

I’m not a fan of rules for the sake of rules. I am however, in favor of treating each other as we expect to be treated (The Golden Rule).

My two cents:

1. Let’s reinforce our PBIS (Positive Behavior Intervention and Support) pillars of Respect, Responsibility and Safety (Each of these areas represent ways that make our commitment to TEACHING and LEARNING truly a credible statement of our WHY.

2. Respect for each other includes iron clad rule of NO BULLYING under any circumstance. This would include name-calling, teasing, social media, pushing and shoving, Let’s note strongly that horseplay and “play fighting” can lead to bad feelings and cause escalation in some. Let’s get in the habit of saying we are sorry to our teachers, staff and our classmates when we show any kind of disrespect (real or perceived).

3. Responsibility includes showing up on time and with an eagerness to work. Let’s recognize students that help out in the classroom and in public spaces. Let’s honor those who manage to arrive on time and use their time wisely while in school.

4. Safety might be the most important pillar of our PBIS program. Accidents happen and acts of nature happen. We must treat all drills with a level of thoroughness that makes sure everyone involved understands the safety is paramount. Intruder Drills, Fire Drills, Tornado Drills of course are critical but let’s remember that danger is everywhere. The school grounds and adjacent areas must be safe from all potential harm.

Classroom routines assure the best chance of managing an orderly learning environment. Specials and dedicated content area concentrations must be opportunities to grow as human beings (teachers, staff and students), Let’s consider a culture of helpful assistance, It is no secret that behaviors are minimized when students in smaller groups have adequate adult supervision. Specials with 20+ kids can create an opportunity for play and poor choices. Let’s lower the numbers or at least increase the adult to student ratios. 

PHOTOS - Just blocks away from Old North Academy are some sad buildings unused, abandoned or in disrepair. A view down the main hallway showing what students and visitors see inside,