Saturday, August 3, 2019

Greg - Just Be

We’re exactly where we’re supposed to be.
Not a hair out of place;
Exactly where we’re supposed to be.
That’s why we’re in this space.

Amidst the pain. Amidst The glory.
All the thought…our story!
How can we punish Ourselves as we do?
We Are just being human, through and through!

Release the Story. Release the Pain.
Become one with the present, the Burden will wane
Can’t believe how simple it is.  Hard to believe the joy!
We have access to our spirit! We have access to our core.

Be there for one another!
Be there and listen hard!
For being there for our brother,
We expand the love we guard.

Be still. Be quiet. Escape from all that chatter.
We soon find out.
And there is no doubt.
Our Love is all that matters.

Poem and art (mixed media paint and photo above) by Gregory L Morgan. My brother shared  both via a mobile phone text messages. I have taken the liberty of making a few edits to the poem. My brother is a master of positive reinforcement and mindfulness. No-one I would rather have as my wingman.