The bedazzled Hurricane orders bagels to go;
Wearing a cap, trinkets, gold chains and tennis
You wonder - so curious you never know;
Sunshine and warm moonlit Miami nights.
Flair in a fashion - unique in a flash;
Swagger dreams barroom fights;
Courts squeak --- you hear grunting and a forehand
Contraband, Cape Codders, Disco Lights.
Pull away in a Grey Cougar Automobile;
Moving apart but a love ignites.
Tiger Tiger Chinese fortune foretells what will be
You will conquer obstacles and achieve great heights.
A palpable sweetness you can feel
Happiness is yours and by all rights
Frequent flyer to parts unknown
The Atlantic shore is always home
Your own best friend - but never alone
Happy Birthday Lynn 3-30-2016
Bing -
There are no words. I miss you deeply and will always always always cherish the memories.
(RIP 3/30/56 - 2/3/2022)